
class oci.core.models.ByoasnByoipRange(**kwargs)

Bases: object

Information about ‘ByoipRange’ that has byoasn as origin.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new ByoasnByoipRange object with values from keyword arguments.


as_path_prepend_length Gets the as_path_prepend_length of this ByoasnByoipRange.
byoip_range_id [Required] Gets the byoip_range_id of this ByoasnByoipRange.
cidr_block Gets the cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange.
ipv6_cidr_block Gets the ipv6_cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange.

Initializes a new ByoasnByoipRange object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • cidr_block (str) – The value to assign to the cidr_block property of this ByoasnByoipRange.
  • ipv6_cidr_block (str) – The value to assign to the ipv6_cidr_block property of this ByoasnByoipRange.
  • byoip_range_id (str) – The value to assign to the byoip_range_id property of this ByoasnByoipRange.
  • as_path_prepend_length (int) – The value to assign to the as_path_prepend_length property of this ByoasnByoipRange.

Gets the as_path_prepend_length of this ByoasnByoipRange. The as path prepend length.

Returns:The as_path_prepend_length of this ByoasnByoipRange.
Return type:int

[Required] Gets the byoip_range_id of this ByoasnByoipRange. The OCID of the ByoipRange resource to which the CIDR block belongs.

Returns:The byoip_range_id of this ByoasnByoipRange.
Return type:str

Gets the cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange. The BYOIP CIDR block range or subrange allocated to an IP pool. This could be all or part of a BYOIP CIDR block.

Returns:The cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange.
Return type:str

Gets the ipv6_cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange. The IPv6 prefix being imported to the Oracle cloud. This prefix must be /48 or larger, and can be subdivided into sub-ranges used across multiple VCNs. A BYOIPv6 prefix can be assigned across multiple VCNs, and each VCN must be /64 or larger. You may specify a ULA or private IPv6 prefix of /64 or larger to use in the VCN. IPv6-enabled subnets will remain a fixed /64 in size.

Returns:The ipv6_cidr_block of this ByoasnByoipRange.
Return type:str