
The configuration of a load balancer backend set. For more information on backend set configuration, see `Managing Backend Sets <>`__.

**Note:** The `sessionPersistenceConfiguration` (application cookie stickiness) and `lbCookieSessionPersistenceConfiguration` (LB cookie stickiness) attributes are mutually exclusive. To avoid returning an error, configure only one of these two attributes per backend set.

**Warning:** Oracle recommends that you avoid using any confidential information when you supply string values using the API.

Available Commands
* :doc:`create </cmdref/lb/backend-set/create>`
* :doc:`delete </cmdref/lb/backend-set/delete>`
* :doc:`get </cmdref/lb/backend-set/get>`
* :doc:`list </cmdref/lb/backend-set/list>`
* :doc:`update </cmdref/lb/backend-set/update>`

.. toctree::
