The DATE_RANGE parameter overrides the start and end filters of the ObjectStorageFileSearchDataSource, SaveMetricOutputAsJsonPostProcessor and OCIMonitoringApplicationPostProcessor present in the application configuration.
In case of Partition Data based on Date Time supported format, you need to include a specific data source in the application config for the post processors using SaveMetricOutputAsJsonPostProcessor and OCIMonitoringApplicationPostProcessor and must have date_range param defined.
For Example: In below image the input data is stored in object storage bucket in partition date folder format.

"RUNTIME_PARAMETER": "{"ACTION_TYPE":"RUN_BASELINE", "DATE_RANGE":{"start":"2023-06-28", "end":"2023-06-29"}}"
As shown below same configuration is also applicable for the prediction_reader similar to baseline_reader
The partition data which needs to be filtered for the baseline run or prediction run evaluation must follow the below structure with start and end dates mentioned in the filter_args parameters.
"baseline_reader": {
"type": "CSVDaskDataReader",
"params": {
"data_source": {
"type": "ObjectStorageFileSearchDataSource",
"params": {
"file_path": [
"filter_arg": [
"partition_based_date_range": {
"start": "2023-06-26",
"end": "2023-06-27",
"data_format": ".d{4}-d{2}-d{2}."
In case of Partition Data based on Date Time supported format, you need to include a specific data source in the application config for the post processor using SaveMetricOutputAsJsonPostProcessor and must have date_range param defined.
"post_processors": [
"type": "SaveMetricOutputAsJsonPostProcessor",
"params": {
"file_name": "profile.json",
"test_results_file_name": "test_result.json",
"file_location_expression": "profile-$start_$end.json",
"date_range": {
"start": "2023-08-01",
"end": "2023-08-05"
"can_override_profile_json": false,
"can_overwrite_profile_json": false,
"can_overwrite_test_results_json": false,
"namespace": "<NAMESPACE>",
"bucket_name": "<BUCKET_NAME>"
"type": "OCIMonitoringApplicationPostProcessor",
"params": {
"compartment_id": "<COMPARTMENT_ID>",
"namespace": "<NAMESPACE>",
"date_range": {
"start": "2023-08-01",
"end": "2023-08-05"
"dimensions": {
"key1": "value1",
"key2": "value2"